
Sep 14, 2005 14:08

It is not very often that I take pictures anymore, I rarely have a camera on me and frankly I have bad luck with them. For some odd reason or another, I recently decided that it would be a really good idea to keep a disposable camera in my pursue. Well, after about 9 months I finally had a full role, which included pictures that snapped automatically in my pursue. excited to see a role of film that will mostly be a surprize I take my disposable camera to Target in order to have my pictures developed at the one hour photo shop - This, was Sunday. (I am a creature that loves instant gratifications.) Well, to my dismay the processing machine is down. UUURRGGG, but it will only be a day or two tops I was gleefully informed. Well I thought, the likleyhood of me taking this anywhere else is bad, so I should just leave it here. But now, it's wednesday and still no pictures! I even have a Frame waiting!!!!!!!
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