I've sorted through three weeks worth of Christmas break happenings, and will highlight the noteworthy ones here for you now. No, no, now don't get too excited! I was really happy to get to stay home for such a long time, and I did close to absolutely nothing over break which ruled.
I started to play/practice the piano again, which I realized I really missed.
I started to read The Golden Compass, which is brilliant!
I watched all of these movies for the first time over break:
-Driving Lessons
-Good Bye Lenin! [really good movie + love Daniel Bruhl!]
-Factory Girl
-The Brothers Solomon
-Stranger Than Paradise
-And I watched Borat and Pride & Prejudice again
*My mom's new basic cable package comes w/ a few sweet ass movie channels in which I "invested" all my time watching, and I saw these movies on t.v.:
-Sling Blade
-Summer Fling
-Taxi Driver
-The Big Lebowski
-Kissing Jessica Stein
-The Dancer Upstairs [I feel creepy admitting this, but I am slightly enamored with Javier Bardem now, who stars in this]
-Carlito's Way
-Monster House [I'm not ashamed to say it--I thought is was awesome]
-My all time favorite holiday classic A Christmas Story
And I watched these BRILLIANT t.v. series:
-Extras, series 1&2 <3 <3
-Shameless, series 2 <3 <3
Reading this over makes me feel like I have no life, but I just don't care!
I knitted my first pair of socks for my G'ma for Christmas, which were hell of hard to figure out at first but I felt uber-cool after I did figure them out. Behold:
I made my G'pa the same pair but with blue shaded yarn.
Next up, I have two hilarious quotes from my mom:
1) She and I watched the newest Pride and Predjudice, with Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy, and before it got to the part where Darcy walks through the mist toward Lizzy (for like a full two minutes praise the lord)she made us turn every single light off so that we could enjoy it to its full potential. Then, after he was done walking through the mist, she unexpectedly said, "Ok, now rewind it." Haha!! I don't why this struck me as hilarious, I guess I just wasn't expecting her to have the same school girl response that I would have...oh god that man in sexy!
2) My mom got a bladder infection over one of the weekends during break and called her doctor's office to get an antibiotic prescription filled. A man [receptionist] answered the phone and said that he unfortunately could not call my mom's doctor for prescription refills. Here's how the conversation went, according to hearing her side of the convo and her reconstruction after she hung up:
Mom: Hi, I need to talk to Dr. --- and have him fill a prescription for me.
man: I'm sorry ma'am, I can't reach the doctor for prescriptions during the weekend.
mom: Is he the doctor on call?
man: Yes, but I can't reach him about refilling prescriptions.
mom: I don't need a prescription refilled. I have a bladder infection and need to have him call in some antibiotics before it gets any worse.
man: I'm sorry ma'am but I can't call him for that.
Mom [in a serious voice that slowly rises in its volume and inquisitive nature as she reaches the end]: Can you call him for a woman who's in pain, who can't pee, and who feels like her vagina is going to fall out?!
man: ........hold on just a moment ma'am
Dr. ---: Hello?
Zing! Ahahahahaha!! I've never quite felt a combination of pride and hysteria such as I did that day hearing her side of the conversation. GOOD TIMES.
In other family news, my mom officially kicked my brother out of the house. He doesn't listen to her or follow her rules and he does some dumb-ass shit w/ his friends, which my mom found out about, so she kicked him out. My grandparents won't let him stay w/ them either, because they found out about his crazy drinking as well, so he's going to have to live w/ friends or something until he starts school again in another week. This really, really stressed me out at first, but now I'm realizing that hopefully it will snap Chris to his senses and show him that his dumb-ass choices (such as drinking and driving, what a stupid twat) have consequences. Of course I'm worried about him, and try to think of how to talk to him about this stuff, but he doesn't listen and keeps making fucktarded choices that could hurt him or other people. It's really weird because I've heard that siblings grow closer as they grow older, but I feel like it's the opposite w/ Chris. He's becoming the type of guy that I hated in high school and I just hope that fucking snaps out of the stupid shit he's doing because he's smarter than that, or at least I thought so. I told him I love him of course, but I have absolutely no respect for a person doing the type of things he does, and I hope he listens. That whole situation was really frustrating, but I hope things go alright for him and he figures out how to take care of himself now that he has to. Ay!
Oh yeah, and my trip to S.B. for New Year's Eve w/ Catherine, Mitzi, and Val was definitely the highlight of my holiday! These are key words for my own memory later on: guitar hero, boozin', boozin' on Mitzi and Val's roof, Val disappearing over the roofs for God knows how long, Scene It(s), Catherine and I shouting made up-nonsense compliments at Mitzi and Val for their guitar hero skills, din din at Ruby's and Zaytoons, Engrish presents from Japan, homemade peanut butter/chocolate cookies, Catherine: "Do you love the motion picture....starring...." Haha!!
Oh yeah, I'll post those for everyone once I unpack and find out where I wrote them down. You guys are going to bust a gut at the hilarious shit Catherine came up w/...love it!