Dec 23, 2005 18:33
i have been a complete lazy fuck when it comes to this thing. I have not updated in a few weeks, and its a bit annoying come to think of it considering that i've doing a lot of odd things that are worth noting, if not for posterity sake, then at least mine
First of all, living in erskineville is really fun. the girls are fabulous to live with - dont ask how i've come up with that conclusion considering the fact that i sparsely see them at all due to our work commitments and my alcoholic behaviour which usually has me coming home at very odd times - but nonetheless our little arrangement is working very well. So well in fact that in a quite drunk state last night at my work christmas party i told everyone that i was married to my best friend...and the fuckers actually believe the words that came out of the drunken fag who then proceed to do the chicken dance with the entertainment (we were at the lowenbrau)
The past few weekends though have been filled with lovely little events. Like a few weekends ago after leaving the pop frenzy's christmas party and winning the play dough nativity scene design competition with other lovely queers we headed off to stonies and as i was busy being invisible with my lesbian company busy getting it on, a random guy started talking to me. He turns out to be one of the coolest people i've met in a while. Cello player all the way from denver colorado. He is really talented as i then went on to see him play at live at the hopetoun. I have hi ep as well and if people are interested in listening to some of his stuff go to awesome.
Then last weekend i spent time in katoomba with one of my colleagues from work. We went to the summer solistice festival. IT soo wasnt what i was expecting, i was hoping i'd get to run arounf naked in the mountains, but i think i got my beltane mixed up with my happens from time to time.
But it was great to be out of sydney for a little bit and get some fresh air. We did the whole tourist thing and went to that mountain place with the 3 sister etc, and went on that freaky fucked up train thing that is old you think you're going to die, everyone who's ever gone to school in sydney must know what the fuck im talking about.
But the purpose of the visit was in fact to see the random lady (with whom we were staying) perform in an all female circus at the festival. IT was a pretty humourous site, but i have to hand it to the girls they put on a fabulous show.....
To more pressing matters it christmas...who knew! I'm in a bit of a pickle when it comes to the whole gift giving thing as im broke. And i wouldnt be too broke if it wasnt for my swiftly developing alcohol habit...i could sit here and analyse why im drinking as much as i am but i really dont want to bore myself.....god i could so go vodka right now....
To all those out there in live journal land i hope that the festive period (in whatever way it is festive to you) is a fabulous no-ice time with people you love! Go hard for new years as well!
kiss kiss hug hug