Who: House, Cuddy; closed.
Where: Cuddy's office.
What: House on the rampage to vent frustration, mainly. Poor Cuddy.
When: Thursday, 30th March, 2006; midday.
the class the day before had given House a chance to vent his anger and frustration at the students, House was back to feeling pent up with stress. No clinic, no cases, nothing to do except bury himself in the backlog of files he owed Cuddy -- he certainly wasn’t going to do that, not unless Cuddy threatened him with a substantial amount of clinic hours -- House needed someone to vent at. Someone to make himself feel better, regardless as to how much stress he could cause them. Cameron was out of the office, as was Foreman and Chase, and House certainly wasn’t about to hunt Wilson down, so that left him one person -- Cuddy.
As much as he didn’t want to see her after the last run-in he had with her, he didn’t really know where else to go. He was heading there with the class he’d taught yesterday in mind, as an excuse to have a go at her. Perhaps to argue his way out of teaching the class, just for the sake of an argument and nothing else. House never dealt with anything stressful constructively. He used everyone else around him as a punching bag, Wilson most frequently, but unlike everyone else Wilson knew how to handle him. Wilson knew how to catch him, too, before House made too much of a mess of things.
Not unexpectedly, he hadn't spoken to Wilson; he hadn't heard from him and House had made no effort to contact him, though it certainly crossed his mind. About every ten minutes. He'd thought about phoning him, texting him, emailing him, paging him, hell even finding out where he was staying and seeing him. He had no idea that Wilson was crashing at Cuddy’s place. As quickly as the thought rose in his mind, however, it came crashing back down again like a large wave with all the mixed emotions that were in him. It had been two days since he'd spoken to Wilson, yet it felt like it had been two weeks. Two months, even. He hadn't even seen him around at work. Whether that was because he was hiding from House or whether that was because he wasn't actually attending work, House wasn't sure. But the side to him that cared deeply about Wilson was going to get the better of him eventually, and he knew he'd end up contacting him, if only to make sure he was alright. Unless Wilson contacted him first. Until then...
House walked briskly from the elevator that he’d caught down from the diagnostics floor towards Cuddy’s office. He glanced towards the clinic and saw that it was pretty full, more so than usual, and there was a part of House that almost wished he was in there, at least for something to do. Turning his attention back towards Cuddy’s office, he threw the first door open, ignoring the look the assistant gave him as he walked straight past and threw the other door open, barging into Cuddy’s office, paying no heed to the giant bunch of flowers in her office.
“Those kids are morons, I want out of that class,” he announced.