Who: Cuddy (closed)
Where: Cuddy's office
What: End of a long, frustrating day
When: Quitting time, Tuesday, 4 April
Complete ficlet
Cuddy sank into the chair at her desk and began gathering up her things: purse, coat, files. Before logging off her computer she quickly checked her email. A message with attachments popped up from House. Cuddy shook her head; it was nearly impossible to make House do something, but when he wanted something he didn't mess around. She printed off his patient's lab results. She'd review them after dinner. If they checked out, she could present the case to the transplant committee first thing in the morning.
It was a little more work to take home, but it wasn't like she had anything better to do. Which reminded her of her missed lunch opportunity. And when she scanned through the rest of her emails, she saw one from her mystery man. The message was short and to the point.
You should've canceled the meeting
"Hell," Cuddy muttered to herself. She was angry at House for making her miss her date. She was angry at Mystery Man for insisting on these 'games.' And she was angry at herself for getting herself all tied up in knots over the situation. She was more convinced than ever that Mystery Man must work at the hospital, and she still had a least a small suspicion that House was somehow involved.
Remembering her plan, Cuddy quickly called the systems office. Luckily, she managed to catch Terry, one of their resident computer whiz kids. Not so fortunately, Terry was tied up with hospital business through the end of the week. He might be able to get to her by Friday, but more likely not until early the next week. Frustrated again, there wasn't much Cuddy could do. Terry was a hospital employee and she couldn't expect him to drop his actual duties to attend to what was a strictly personal matter.
Cuddy hung up and shut down her computer without replying to Mystery Man. Or House. Or anyone else. She was going to go home and try to relax for a while and deal with all of this later. Cuddy turned off the office lights, locked the door, and headed out through the empty lobby.