Apr 23, 2004 23:55
so shrew was awesome if you didnt go your loss! then after the show me niki ashlea and colleen went out to zaa palace for some chez zaa in san marco! i hid ashleas pen and niki crawled around the resturant looking for it and sniffed parmesian chez... then after jaywalking to starbucks colleen and ashlea had a frappacino fight and me and niki hid THE PEN... then we hid it again in the lion fountain so ashlea got it and then we splashed e/o w/ the egg water and then dunked our heads in their as a symbol of our friendship * genius niki* amnd then saw ms david and she said colleenie looked like a whore and then my mom cracked up when she figured out we dunked our heads in the fountain! then i had a long convo w/ sammy and kyle and spencer and jeremy in virginia and i heard way too much and oh yeah spencer asked colleen out and we know she said :( and then ugh tonite was so wonderful! o and is carter really moving away cuz that breaks my heart believe it or not! i actually cried... keep that on th dl! lol so tonight kicked major ass! i love those 3! ~pooooooooooh