april fool's day

Apr 01, 2005 15:53

not only is it april fools day but it is also the 11th ann. of my grandfathers death. guess you wanted to know that huh? well we have gotten my grandmother in the house with us i dunno if i would call it living b/c she stays with us mostly but goes home to get a break i guess. its crazy though she cant ever be left alone and my parents and i are taking shifts with her and we have hospice coming to the house mon-fri to do stuff with her meds and bathe and that kind of stuff.

so my sister and her sorry "husband" are back together..i cant stand him and the other night i was blunt with her and told her how i felt i told her i would never respect him ever again and i will not speak to him unless it is neccessary and i dont like him and told her she was stupid for going back with him. she agreed and said she didnt blame me after she admitted to us that he still hits her and stuff how could she i mean is she so flippin stupid she cant think straight. and we had to go back to court with her wed. b/c she wasnt going to her rehab classes and he gave her 2 yrs. probation and now it goes on her record as to where the classes wouldnt have he was so going to put her in jail and if it hadnt been for the fact that her excuse was my dying grandmother and her husband leaving her she prob. would'veand the only thing she says is oh well it wont matter if it goes on my record b/c i dont have to get a job or anything. she said i knew that i wasnt going to jail and she told my mama that if she was free she would quit smoking well after it was over she said she wasnt quitting b/c her def. of free is not paying any consequences that includes probation. so since she is on prob. thats not free. she is so ungrateful.
oh on a good not i lost .4 lbs at weight watchers last night
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