Caught that on myspace. It's kind of hard to watch.
Again, Sean Hanity and the other guy. I swear they go out on the street and find the absolute most insane people to have on their show so that they can win the argument every time.
This women, in particular, is a member of a fringe Baptist organization who believes that we should "Thank God For Dead Soliders" and that "God Hates You". Essentially, and from what I can gather, she thinks that everyone that dies (prematurealy?) (sp), has suffered God's Divine Wrath and therefore has been punished for leading a sinful life or engaging in sinful conduct...thus, she condoned 9/11 and the Holocost, and other delightful massive tragedies. Here's the many members does her "Church" have? Less than 100. How many are from this woman's own family? 80%. So, why have her on the show? You can bet they didn't debate a lot. You can bet it was Hanity and Colmes just yelling at her and insulting her and giving her air time to look like an idiot while they appear Super Patriot Defenders!!!, while sending a subtle message about what religion can do to you.
I let it slide with the first guy who said our troops were "scumbags" and he had some mumbo-jumbo reason for it, I figured it could be an intersting debate to see if he actually had any good reason for his belief. This woman is justifying her's through a divine entity. How do you argue with that? How do you say, you're God is more wrong than mine? How do you say the word of God that you are reading is more wrong than mine? Where's the discussion? Why give this women ANY airtime? They should've run it as a story..the whole thing started with her organization protesting outside OF THE FUNERAL OF AN AMERICAN SOLIDER, LIKE OUT SIDE OF THE FREAKING CHURCH.
It really made me mad. But I think the real criminals here are stupid Fox News for putting her on. There was no need to have her rant and rave about her God and what he says and how it shall come to be, only to be interrupted every five seconds with Hanity and Colmes telling her how "ashamed of herself" she should be, as if she's going to give a damn. Oh, shit, well, Hanity and Colmes are telling me to clean up my act, I guess I'll abandon what I believe THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE is telling me and listen to them.
I hate that show.