What I am, I do. What I do, I am.

Mar 09, 2014 11:47

Snapshots from my life.

* I will show you fear in a handful of water.

On February 21, 2003, I made a life-changing error in judgement... I went to put the garbage out on the curb for its weekly pickup. I was half-asleep, and running a 101-degrees-Fahrenheit fever. I managed to step on the only patch of ice on an otherwise completely clear sidewalk. Eleven years later, after four surgeries and ten months of physical therapy, I can, and often do, walk the six-miles-length of my city, but I sometimes use a cane or a walking stick in Spring, Summer, and Autumn, and I always use a quad cane in winter.

* I will show you wonder in a ripple tank.

On a Saturday night in the summer of 1986, a dear friend who became my life's partner showed me the very first episode of the world's longest-running science fiction serial. This became a weekly tradition which has continued with regular rewatches of the whole series. Where others see laughable special effects in the older episodes, I see resourcefulness and ingenuity, and all the computer-generated imagery used in the new series [although I enjoy most of its cast and stories] doesn't stir me and make me feel like I'm bending time and space as much as that original opening, taken from something one can find in a high school physics class.

* I will show you joy in a forest of words in print and sound, a rainbow of tales in sequential art, and an army of imagination wrought from plastic, cogs, and circuits.

On the evening of November 4, 2010, I turned the key to lock up the bookstore where I'd been volunteering since 2008. On the morning of November 5, 2010, I turned the key to unlock the door of that same bookstore, the bookstore I now owned. In addition to used and new books, it's a showcase for my partner's and my mail order business of comics, audio dramas, DVDs, action figures and accessories from DOCTOR WHO and other science fiction.


Like all of you, I am a sum of my parts, a patchwork of experiences, a crucible of hope, despair, giddiness, loneliness, fear and desire.

As a blogger, I am most often an essayist, seldom a fabulist, and on occasion a raconteur.

I might blog about any, all, or none of the above.

Let's take the journey together.

This is my entry for therealljidol, Season 9, Week 0 - Introduction.

lj idol

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