ahaha Burnt umbrella XD I was working on skit for NDK this yeah I'll be makign Rain clouds so yeha as soon as I'm done I'll take pictures of rain clouds and of flipping puppy XD AKA Black Hiatus
I think it came out good I een burt my slef a bit burrning holes in the Umbrella I'm okay though
Chack list so far
Umbrellas (check)
Costumes (Check)
Lighter fluid (still need to make it ;.;)
Flipping Puppy (check)
Rain clouds (still need to make....for those of you who are rain be sure to pack an all black out fit!!)
Edwards Suit case (check)
Neko's (Check)
Black burnt cloth(is making it now)
Um.... is ther any thing else Oh yeah I Stage hands We need at least two people for stage hands for a few thing that go with the script that every one should have if you don't have one let me konw And I'll shall send it out to you I may be posting it here after con for every one to read and laugh at
Stage hands will als need to be wearing All BLACK!!! THIS IS A MUST!!! please be sure to Pack or bring an all black out fit No logos on the shirt please
ummmmm what eles I think that a bout all for now more updates to come