I was going to picspam just one Reid/Morgan scene, but the HD version of the episode had an announcement on it... thus I ended up randomly picspamming all of Reid's scenes lol
caps from
dj_capslock Oh don't expect any comments. Reid = pretty is all I have to say.
I find that last shot really hot. I'm not sure why and I'd worry what this could mean, but thankfully this is online fandom and I'm supposed to sound creepy.
Someone turn these into icons stat!
Anyone else thinks that sometimes Matthew slips out of character when he walks? It's too model-like, too self-assured for Reid, IMO. The hands in the pockets and all? Just seem a bit too nonchalant for Reid.
Random pic of Reid's back... Because it looks nice, ok?
NOOOO, REID, DON'T WANDER OFF! Dammit Morgan, where's the kid's leash?
Well, crap.
Why yes, I do have a fetish.
Come on, people. Time to admit it. Who else got teary with this scene?
Continuity FTW!
See how annoying this thing is? Ruined the best scene of this episode *pouts*
I'm about to get naked. Is that something you really wanna see?
And the Reid/Morgan shippers yell YES, HE DOES!
And the Reid fangirls yell YES, WE DO!
And obviously we get nothing. Freaking tease. Although I guess we should be happy, anyway. The last time we got wet!Reid, he ended up making out in a pool and fandom ended up plotting 100 creative ways to kill off a female character.
Can someone with medical knowledge sourced in actual studies (and not watching ER) explain to me something? Shouldn't she be listening to his heartbeat under his shirt? Or it doesn't really matter (especially since he's infected with a deadly virus)? The answer is no. And there goes another excuse of getting him naked *pouts*
Also, Reid... you don't look so hot *eek*
And this is so cute, I pretty much melted. But I admit I'm biased, coz R/M is my favorite friendship on the show ♥
I'm such a sucker for h/c...
Who else can't wait for the finale?