Where am I going again?

Aug 17, 2009 02:26

So, I feel like I'm wandering aimlessly. I'm not, but it feels like that. The end of this path I started over two years ago is quickly approaching. It seems the last leg of this trek has taken me into a deep valley boardered on either side by tall, sheer walls and filled with a fog that gets thicker with every step forward. I can't hardly see my own feet below me and I only know the sheer walls are still there as I continually bump into them as I meander my way along. I think this valley is becoming increasingly narrow the further I go, but I can't see through this fog. The walls seem closer together, but maybe I'm just less able to keep a strait path so I'm bumping into them more frequently. No, my path and direction are true, the walls are closing in. I can hear the roar of the ocean ahead of me, it's where I'm headed, it's the end of this road and the jumping off point for the next one, where ever that may bring me. But I have to keep focused, I cannot get ahead of myself. I cannot yet let down my guard for this path is still treacherous. One misstep could be disastrous, it could bring everything crashing down. I still have to be very careful, especially with this fog. I thought this would be the easy part, I wasn't expecting it to be so hard all the way to the last step. It's almost over though, I can almost feel the ocean breaze on my face now. I keep catching just a hint of a salty mist in this thick air. I am so close, I can do this. I know I can do this, I *have* to. Just a couple more months now and I'll be able to breath again.



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