Title: The Time Traveler's Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Genre: Romance, almost Sci-fi
Summary: On the surface, Henry and Clare Detamble are a normal couple living in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Henry works at the Newberry Library and Clare creates abstract paper art, but the cruel reality is that Henry is a prisoner of time. It sweeps him
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i saw the trailer and i nearly cried, i think i told you that
if you want to watch the movie then count me in...
i think eric bana and rachel mcadams is a pretty good couple in this movie, but i heard the movie is not good as the book (as always)
and OMG Rachel and Eric are totally cute together.
maybe i'll watch it for the second time with you, so i'd know what'll happen in the movie and prevent myself from crying too much.
also. are you going to uni tomorrow?
*dreamy sigh*
No, it's more to do with the fact that Rachel is screwing him in the film.
That, and I'm still kinda scarred from Mean Girls.
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