Jan 26, 2004 21:24
I shouldnt be allowed to like anyone ever. lol
I should be the....the...cat woman. lol
And live with cats the rest of my life.
I'm so GULLIBLE and make myself so VULNERABLE to JERKS!
But i love it. lol
He came to orchestra tonite...as u ALL know. lol
And afterwards...told me to call him tomorrow...and we will prolly chill.
Now, I am SUCH a loser for saying OK
But..I mean, what was I SUPPOSED to say? NO?!
So shoot me. I'm gullible....whatever..lol
So Beloc tomorrow nite...I CANT WAIT!@
Tomorrow during the day...should be interesting :D lol Im excited...
Hopefully we do chill.
loser. lol
I'm so giddy right now, it's sick. lol
xo HeAtHeR ox