Jul 18, 2005 00:40
I just saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!! man was it sweeeeeeet!! <---that is the only candy joke I will make about it i swear. it was just awesome and i really laughed a lot at it. what a great story. what an especially great kid's story. i'm so glad i got to see it!!! and i really want the soundtrack, if they have one. we stayed in the theatre until the credits finished and me and adrienne danced in our seats to the music and reminisced about the funny parts of the movie. it was fun. adrienne, you are a pretty sweet date :)
My boss finally cut back my hours on saturday. now I work from 12-6 instead of 10-6, which isn't that much difference, but now i won't have to worry so much about staying out late and being exhausted the next day, and i'm only there for 6hours instead of 8. so i'll take what I can get.
Chris is in town this week so we are all really happy to see him, we all hung out last night and it was really fun. i am really glad that I have real, true friends, that I can really trust completely and feel safe around. you guys are all good people and I am glad to have you.
i am almost done with my book. next I am going to read Faulkner. lizardbreath got the new harry potter book, so she is having fun with that. i know it makes her a hue nerd, but I like that she is so into it. it's pretty cool how much she knows and remembers and enjoys talking about it. i mean at least it's an interesting hobby for those not involved.
Brizzly pressure washed our deck today!!! it was so cool! me and adrienne just stared out the window at him the whole time. I don't know why, but i really enjoy watching things change colors in stripes. like pressure washing, nail painting, any kind of painting, or shaving and stuff like that. I don't know why, but it both amazes and relaxes me. i made him a sandwich and a drink and felt very much like a person who does those types of things. is ther an adjective for that type of behavior? oldtimeygenerous...
ok whenever you save a CD into realplayer, it finds it on line and names all the tracks and stuff, which is cool, but it also fills in its own genre. I saved radiohead's kid a into it, and it put it in the genre of "brit pop" LAME. i mean sort of, but no way.
ok well my tummy hurts a little (too much peanut butter sundae goodness), so I think i will go to sleep.