
Jul 31, 2014 21:12

После недосыпа чувствую конечно за собой некую косноязычность в паре с автопилотом, но мне как не нейтив-спикеру прощается)) Написала вот для курсеры

It's interesting that there are some different opinions about what is singulrity. For example Ukrainian wiki (as well as Russian) says that singularity is a hypothetical point, after which technological progress becomes so quick and complex that it would be incapable of understanding. And English one says that the point is in artificial intelligence, which will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence.

I read a lot of science fiction or cyberbank concerning this topic. And of course all people who was born in 80-es remember the concept of Terminator and great war between humans and machines (as well as Matrix example). Machines becomes more powerful, more smart and organised then its creators - human beings.
A lot of writers developed this fantastic idea and regard AI existence as social problem. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - famous novel by Philip K. Dick ("Blade Runner" movie impressed me very much), or the story of "Bicentennial Man" by Isaac Asimov. All these gives some food for thought.

Now we see amasing and very fast growth of new technologies. Internet, web, telecom - with all available software modern environment gives impression that your computer is smarter then you. Did you play akinator game? Try to. It's funny.

As for me - I think that such impression is illusion and singularity will never happend.
There are two different things - erudition and intellect. Computer can only know what is given and use logical patterns which are made by programmers. Of course this patterns or algorithms can be very difficult - they contain a lot of work of many people. And all these people of course are smart and together they did great work - so you are impressed. And may be sometimes it's not possible for one human to overcome a lot of work of many people. But still that is the difference between human and humanity, but not between human and machine.

I love very much the novell "Profession" by Isaac Asimov. The story is: almost all people in the world just get theirs profession as set of algorithms at one time - and do it. But after this style of "education" they are able to do only what theirs set include. And what about new invenors? Who creates new machines and new technologies? Set of programs can not give you imagination.

I remember the other story - "Johnny Mnemonic" by William Gibson. Johnny Mnemonic" was a data trafficker who has undergone cybernetic surgery to have a data storage system implanted in his head. In the story he had to deliver 4Gb of data and (it was written in 1995) author described that this 4Gb was sooo much for his memory that Jonny's mind started to delete his own memories.
Well yeah - in 2014 it's even not funny - 4Gb is nothing. Even not enough for DVD.
This example shows how complicated is human mind. Can you even imagine how many gigabites do you need to remember all your life? With all kind of colours and smells and thoughts and emotions. Multiplying it to ability to observe and compare.

I believe that machines can be very complex and more and more useful and smart. But for a moment the distance between AI and humanity is too big.

Прочитав вместо русской статью вики на английском, наконец поняла что это вообще. С чем меня можно поздравить ага.
Русский вариант сильно отличается по смыслу, и я бы даже сказала - вообще его не передает. Украинский собсно тоже.

А вы как думаете - наступит ли на нашем веку технологическая сингулярность?

paragon on dreamwidth


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