Jul 30, 2005 01:25
I don’t know if anyone else forgot that I have a livejournal but I came close.
I would like to buy a nice pair of headphones. Possibly Bose?
I’ve made beats for Tim to rap to. Or maybe for Jeremy to rap to.
I survived the past week downtown with $9 to last me 8 days. (I lived on doughnuts and free water)
I would like to learn how to use Photoshop.
I still really enjoy hacky sack.
I can’t stand people dumber than me. I decided that’s the limit. Me.
I’m excited to see Beatle Juice.
Summer is over after Yankee Homecoming. That’s too bad.
Billy Vespa is coming Wednesday possibly.
I’m done with driver’s ed. Now I get to stay up late.
Are the beats in Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da and Don’t Pass Me By strikingly similar?
Bass or drum lessons when I get a job? I vote bass but I’m still not sure.