@ Ozark - Reminiscence of my time at Ozark

May 18, 2010 16:27

So it's been awhile since I have updated, I guess because now I have a more of a blog: http://unmistakableinnocence.blogspot.com/

I'm a few days away from being done with Ozark and the time that I have spent here was entirely worth it. The friendships that I have made, the connections that I have, and the knowledge and learning under my belt to be used now and in my future family setting. I have gone through 3 semesters of hard pressed learning, whether it is dealing with change, and overcoming the fear of that, or even enduring the rigor of such classes. I have spent a semester not working and 2 more while working. I have to say that I had much more hangout time the first semester. In this most recent semester I have laid down my own future and tried to help my dad find a kidney, by getting my own tested. I am a perfect match after 3 rounds of blood work and a urinalysis. I just need to go back to Arizona and get medical imaging done. Yesterday when I was talking with my dad, I ended up asking him if he could start losing some weight so that we can prepare to have the surgery this summer. Apparently there are more complications than just the weight, and it sounds like its irreversible damage to the heart. I don't know what to think anymore, but it is just tough to be trying so hard, and having something not work out. Much like my relationship with Kamie I started this semester. I liked her ever since I saw her again 7 months ago, and battled heavily with the idea of her even possibly liking me. I was just going back and forth with the idea of us dating, because I saw her as so much younger than I. That was a large part of it, but I eventually got over that and decided I wanted to try to pursue her, because she and I were constantly conversing over Facebook messages. I bought her flowers for Valentine’s Day this year, and then continued letting her know that I liked her. We prayed about the relationship before it happened, but it seems the intense emotional drive to be in a relationship overcame my desire to not let it happen. It was tricky with me leaving after the semester ended for who knows how long, to go back to Arizona and start looking for a full time job. There were many ups and downs, and I am convinced that although we didn't really get much time to spend with one another (apart from spring break), it was the godliest of relationships I have had. She got me through some tough times, encouraged me when I needed it and was more than I ever asked or dreamed for. It seems silly now, but the long distance relationship aspect was too overwhelming and it eventually pulled us apart. It is unfortunate because I had so many neat things planned. But, with every person I date, I always learn more about what it is to be Christ like. And with most, I am reminded of how to love my family. I don't know where I will end up in life, but I'd like to have at least worked with computers, children, homeless and everything else that drives me, before I leave this earth. I hope one day to have a family that I can provide for physically and spiritually, because that is one of the major reasons I came to Ozark.

~Chris Ryan~
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