Dec 26, 2005 01:11
yeah i had a pretty good christmas... considering i slept until 5pm :O
my mom had to drive like 5 hours away to take care of my older sister's baby who incidently developed the flu and dident wanna pass it on to the kid so basically christmas was cancelled with exception to the "christmas" dinner with the extended family.... I love them but once my grandmother gets around her sister's they tend to ramble on about ppl and situations that i will never know that arent particulary interesting in the slightest and always end up with no point... all the men look at each other with the same look of distress... thank god i had a decent buzz and would tactfully take cigarette breaks when i felt another story coming on w/ exception to my grandfather's WWII stories which kick ass (i still resent the fact that my mom gave up her dual citizenship she was born in Munich)
so yeah i really had a personal christmas with a bottle of Bombay
highlight of the day was USPS delivering my 900$ DK Italian Wool suit (i payed $100 im sure it fell off a truck in jersey or NY somewhere but like i give a fuck)
Italian Wool mmmmm there's not going back now sooo hawt!!!
other then that im looking forward to spending New Years in NOLA doing what besides getting blitzkrieged and seeing friends i dunno but... im psyched i will coming down the 28th :)