Jun 05, 2010 12:31

Good day everyone!
Welcome to P3P Countdown project!

If you're very excited about the release of Persona 3 Portable, this is definitely a perfect place for you!
You don't have to be able to play or buy the game! Just join if you love Persona 3 (portable) and excited for it :D
everyone's free to join and enjoy the countdown!


+ What should I do? +
First of all, you can start with joining/watching this community! :D
Then do a confirmation of registration!
The registration starts on Sunday, 5th June 2010 and will be closed next week on Saturday, 12th June 2010!


Plese check your inbox !

After your registration is confirmed, you will get your date ( we will divide each of artist's date fairly! )
The confirmation of registration and so the given date will be done AFTER sunday, 13th June.
You can start to finish your artwork until maximum 2 days before your deadline.

i.e; If you're given a date on 1st July, PLEASE finish it at least on 29th June.

and i hope you don't suddenly back off after you get accepted and given the dateline :)

Aren't you curious who will get when :D ? as of what should you draw, it's up to you!

Thank you for joining!

The countdown starts 10 days before the Release Date!
(or it can be longer lol; suggestion is always welcomed :D)


+ How do I join? +

It's easy! just comment here with your username and a link to your site. LJ account is not a must!
You can give other links like ; your personal blogs (other than LJ), dA, pixiv, MB, or any other else!


+What should I submit? +

Fanart of Persona 3 Portable characters! Who, what or how that's all up to you!
Any media is accepted!

ALL OF THE ENTRIES MUST HAVE A "________ Days " on it.
or you can add more text to it (i.e 7 Days to Akihiko's pants) , that's all up to you

You can give it to me (aka haloalkana  ) via Private Messages or Notes or emails!

Any question? Comment here :D Suggestions are most welcome~
Lastly, Have Fun~! :D

!modpost, !info

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