Aug 31, 2006 20:35
So first two days of classes are over, which means I have attended all my classes for the first time. Here's the preview:
Math 399: Senior Seminar Part 2 (Tuesday 3:30 - 5:00 as the hour and a half on thursday was canceled) - I have a major project (10-15 page paper and 20-30 minute presentation) and NOTHING else to do. In fact, Dr. Rogers said that the other person who is in 399 this semester and I only need to show up about 3 or 4 times this semester other than our presentation dates. The course is only for 1 credit right now, but it's supposed to be changed to 3. The department divides the year long seminar into 1 credit and 3 credits for the two semesters, but for some reason screwed it up on the course information this semester. Regardless, sweet deal for me.
French 101: Elementary French (M/W/F 1 - 2, T/TH 12:30 - 1:20) - My professor is insane, but he's fun. This will be an easy A, and he adores Erec et Enide, which I learned through some phonics questions today after class. Could be quite helpful for my thesis even though he's not one of my three readers.
German 425: Advanced Phonetics and Composition (T/Th 11 - 12:15) - I hate Dr. Fortmann with a passion after that 640 class I had with him last Spring, but he's actually been decent the first day of class. Basically a study of German mass media. A good bit of work involved, but shouldn't be too hard as the rest of the class is very stupid. Very annoyed that Sylvia decided not to take the class afterall leaving me with no one to berate Fortmann with.
German 500: Honors Thesis Part 2 - This is where my work is this semester obviously. I wrote my introduction (a "sprawling" 1 page breakdown of how I am organizing my argument) and should start my first chapter this weekend hopefully. Nothing is due until October 23rd, when the rough draft of my first chapter must be completed, but not incredibly rushed thankfully. Still waiting for Brancaforte to get his office hours figured out so I know when I can go talk to him about thesis stuff.
Easy semester apart from Honor's Thesis and Math Final project, but that's what I needed as those will be lots of work. Thankfully apart from my German class, very few assignments will be required.