we had three half days this week &on wednesday i went to the thrift store and target's with my mom. i bought three new t-shirts, jeans, and a messenger bag.
i'm really bored today so i decided to take pictures of them-
&post the pictures from the boat trip i took with mikepee about a month ago.
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also from thrifting.
& i have that bag. from target.
in any case, i need to thrifting again
16 bucks. target.
i saw it &was all happy.
we should go thrifting together.
plymouth and middle belt is the best one of my life.
i love my t-shirt too.
borrow it from your friend and we can be twins for the day with our little messenger bags.
plym & mid is my favourite as well. there should be a thrifting party some day.
my friends said they saw you at quiznos the other day and i guess paul waved or something? they all wanted to go thrifting soon, too. we should do it.
&they're all sweet. so i'm jealous.
i think it's hilarious you didn't wave to them. they all loved you, though. they want to hang out soon &go thrifting. don't feel mean. i would have done the same thing. it's kind of weird having someone just wave to you that you've seen a few times in your life &know nothing about.
but yeah, it was cool. im glad people notice me in school.
& anyways, well go thrifting soon.
thrifting this week. i hope. maybe?
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