to be girly?

Oct 02, 2008 22:43

David spilt Sprite Zero all over my keyboard last night and now it can't type properly. I stole my dad's wireless set :O

Wait...spilt is a word right? Or is it spilled? I'm pretty sure it's spilt...*confused*


-_- This always happens. When I can't update, I have all these things to talk about and when I finally get to update, I can't think of anything to say.

I was at home most of the time today...English essay writing, FUN!

Right, so I fail at writing an essay in 40 minutes or less. I spend hour for one essay. I need to sharpen up my essay writing skills. It's so troublesome!! I have no idea why on EARTH I like English so much when it's so fussy and everything.

I went out for a walk through Rayblank park and then out onto that small road.
There were about four ducks on the road and a car came along. Three ducks flew away squawking quacking while the fourth one just stayed there! So I kinda stopped walking and just....stared at it, going "MOVE DUCK!!!" in my head. But instead of moving, the duck sat down! Save yourself you lil' duck don't just sit there -_-;

Hmm, my parents think I'm not "girl" enough. I seriously don't know how to be more girly....I can scream...does that count? Umm, I dunno how to 'sai nai'...I don't know how to be cute.

I'm looking forward to the Jap reunion! It's going to be great seeing everyone (most, anyway) together again! I miss waking up in the morning knowing everyone's going to be there. (This is going to sound weird but..) I miss showering together...and I miss sleeping in the same room with my friends!! T_T Good memories.....

Okily dokily~ Off the computer I go~!

O_O Thanks goodness for Autosave!!! I clicked "Mobile Posting" on accident instead of the update button! If it was the old LJ, I would've lost everything I just typed. Aww poos! I lost my tags and I had tonnes of them...Oh wells...


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