congratulations sollux! but uh...why are you stumbling into things? are you okay?
[Sorry, Sollux, but thanks to his concussion he's been pretty much confined to his bed since the group made it to Azalea. He's missed a lot of things.]
oh, ok then. ...wait if you're blind then how are you typing this? better yet, how are you reading my messages? wait. can you taste and smell stuff now instead or something?
well, i knew i might?? i didn't kn0w if it w0uld happen here 0r n0t th0ugh. but i m0stly was just b0red trying t0 figure 0ut what i c0uld actually pr0gram 0n my p0kegear because they're pretty difficult t0 get anything functi0nal 0n and that w0rked and i th0ught it c0uld be useful f0r s0mething.
jeez, you made something that cool because you were BORED? you weren't kidding when you said you were pretty much the best around when it comes to technology, were you?
ehehe, yeah, pretty much. it's n0t really that c00l th0ugh, i c0uld pr0bably make s0mething a l0t c00ler if i messed ar0und with it en0ugh. actually it might be hard right n0w unless s0me0ne wanted t0 read it all t0 me, but still.
you seem much more...relaxed? happier? something's different since the last time we talked. and if you need help with something like that i would be willing to try. if you want.
well, i just have a l0t less t0 w0rry ab0ut n0w. everything's actually fine back h0me, n0 0ne else is g0ing t0 die and everything is g0ing t0 turn 0ut 0k. and i'll keep that 0ffer in mind. but i d0n't kn0w if y0u'll really want t0 help me with that since it might take a l0t l0nger t0 write s0mething functi0nal than y0u're pr0bably expecting.
well that explains it then! and that's good to hear. especially since... well everyone seems to think we're doomed back home. hehe, well if i can learn something new then it's worth the time put into it. i just thought i would offer.
yeah, i kn0w. i was 0ne 0f the 0nes telling y0u that the wh0le time y0u've been here, remember? but everything really d0es l00k like it's g0ing t0 be better, s0 d0n't w0rry ab0ut what the 0thers are saying. i d0n't kn0w if i'm g0ing t0 try any m0re pr0gramming yet but if i d0 i'll let y0u kn0w and y0u can c0me 0ver, alright?
yeah, i remember. i just didn't want to sound...accusatory? something. i don't know. haha. but i have been trying to keep optimistic about it. lately it's just been really hard to.
but uh...why are you stumbling into things?
are you okay?
[Sorry, Sollux, but thanks to his concussion he's been pretty much confined to his bed since the group made it to Azalea. He's missed a lot of things.]
it's just a little hard t0 av0id running int0 things when y0u can't see them, y0u kn0w?
why can't you see anything though?
that doesn't really sound like "fine" to me.
it's n0t really a big deal th0ugh, i knew it was g0ing t0 happen. s0 it's 0k.
...wait if you're blind then how are you typing this?
better yet, how are you reading my messages?
wait. can you taste and smell stuff now instead or something?
i wr0te s0me text t0 v0ice and v0ice t0 text pr0grams a while ag0, they just didn't c0me in handy until n0w.
or wait...did you do it because you knew you were going to go blind?
i didn't kn0w if it w0uld happen here 0r n0t th0ugh.
but i m0stly was just b0red trying t0 figure 0ut what i c0uld actually pr0gram 0n my p0kegear because they're pretty difficult t0 get anything functi0nal 0n and that w0rked and i th0ught it c0uld be useful f0r s0mething.
you weren't kidding when you said you were pretty much the best around when it comes to technology, were you?
it's n0t really that c00l th0ugh, i c0uld pr0bably make s0mething a l0t c00ler if i messed ar0und with it en0ugh.
actually it might be hard right n0w unless s0me0ne wanted t0 read it all t0 me, but still.
something's different since the last time we talked.
and if you need help with something like that i would be willing to try.
if you want.
everything's actually fine back h0me, n0 0ne else is g0ing t0 die and everything is g0ing t0 turn 0ut 0k.
and i'll keep that 0ffer in mind. but i d0n't kn0w if y0u'll really want t0 help me with that since it might take a l0t l0nger t0 write s0mething functi0nal than y0u're pr0bably expecting.
and that's good to hear. especially since...
well everyone seems to think we're doomed back home.
hehe, well if i can learn something new then it's worth the time put into it.
i just thought i would offer.
but everything really d0es l00k like it's g0ing t0 be better, s0 d0n't w0rry ab0ut what the 0thers are saying.
i d0n't kn0w if i'm g0ing t0 try any m0re pr0gramming yet but if i d0 i'll let y0u kn0w and y0u can c0me 0ver, alright?
i just didn't want to sound...accusatory? something.
i don't know. haha.
but i have been trying to keep optimistic about it.
lately it's just been really hard to.
y0u sh0uld be 0ptimistic ab0ut it because everything really will be fine.
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