text ♊ 009

Feb 28, 2011 11:12

feferii2 gone.
ii have her pokemon.

that2 all. ii ju2t thought everyone 2hould know.

*kk, *fai, *john, @violet city, *romano, *l, *tifa, *wn, !ic, *aa, *lambdadelta, !text, *rose, *er

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text; holdsleftovers February 28 2011, 23:41:37 UTC
[ It takes him a minute to decipher that, then-- ]

Feferi was a friend of yours?


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 02:16:46 UTC
yeah. my mate2priit.
or giirlfriiend, ii gue22, whatever you want two call iit.


text; holdsleftovers March 1 2011, 02:22:25 UTC
[ Bro that sucks. ]

I'm sorry. losing her must be difficult.


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 02:28:49 UTC
...iit ii2.
e2peciially 2iince 2he2 goiing two diie back there, all of u2 are. iit2 a hell of a lot 2afer here even iif ii hate iit.


text; holdsleftovers March 1 2011, 02:32:30 UTC
at least she got to spend pleasant moments with you here

you made new, happy memories together


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 02:34:08 UTC
ii gue22 2o.

iit2 kiind of hard two be optiimii2tiic about anythiing wiithout her.


text; holdsleftovers March 1 2011, 02:38:07 UTC
maybe she'll come back.

This place brings in all sorts of people, doesn't it?

[ man, wata is so terrible at this cheer up thing ]


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:06:00 UTC
yeah, ii dont know.
she miight come back and 2he al2o miight not and iill never 2ee her agaiin.
that one 2ound2 a lot more liikely two me wiith the way my liife ii2.


text; holdsleftovers March 1 2011, 03:41:28 UTC
Thinking like that is no good. you'll only attract evil.

[ seriously, stop making him want to mother you. this can only end badly. there might be 'cheer up' chocolates involved ]


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:42:30 UTC
yeah, well, ii am the mage of doom after all.
iim pretty much de2tiined two have my liife 2uck and have the uniiver2e hate me.


text; holdsleftovers March 1 2011, 14:12:54 UTC
the 'mage of doom'? because of your visions, right?


text; p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 15:52:43 UTC
ii dont really know, probably though.
we all had arbiitrary game tiitle2 and that wa2 miine. iit 2eem2 two fiit pretty fuckiing well.


text; gfdjkgjh i'm sorry my notifs failed me holdsleftovers March 3 2011, 11:57:42 UTC
'game' titles? like one of those RPGs?


text; it's fine! p2iioniichacker March 3 2011, 17:46:15 UTC
2ort of.
only more real ii gue22.


text; holdsleftovers March 5 2011, 01:33:01 UTC
so like...tabletop???


text; p2iioniichacker March 5 2011, 01:40:10 UTC
no, more liike completely one hundred percent real.
a2 iin the game wa2 completely iimmer2iive and actually re2tructured realiity.
along wiith giiviing u2 all tho2e 2tupiid tiitle2 and de2troyiing our planet, of cour2e. you cant forget that part.


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