text ♊ 009

Feb 28, 2011 11:12

feferii2 gone.
ii have her pokemon.

that2 all. ii ju2t thought everyone 2hould know.

*kk, *fai, *john, @violet city, *romano, *l, *tifa, *wn, !ic, *aa, *lambdadelta, !text, *rose, *er

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hatessocks February 28 2011, 20:24:47 UTC
Substituting S's for twos and doubling your I's.



p2iioniichacker February 28 2011, 20:27:30 UTC
becau2e ii feel liike makiing everyone a2k me retarded que2tiion2, apparently.


hatessocks February 28 2011, 20:28:18 UTC
I would call it "curiosity" instead of retardation.


p2iioniichacker February 28 2011, 20:29:05 UTC
ok, fiine.
annoyiing que2tiion2 that ii really dont feel liike an2weriing riight now.


hatessocks February 28 2011, 20:30:23 UTC
You post to the network, you should expect answers. They might not all be what you'd like though.


p2iioniichacker February 28 2011, 20:31:26 UTC
ii dont care, ii never 2aiid dont a2k. ii ju2t dont want two an2wer riight now.


hatessocks February 28 2011, 23:33:59 UTC

Ah, I understand now.


p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 02:16:20 UTC
you do?


hatessocks March 1 2011, 02:59:04 UTC
You are obviously feeling melancholy over the loss of a friend. I assure you though, if you look at it logically it's better for this Feferi person to be back home.


p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:02:20 UTC
no iit2 not.
iit2 not even home for one, and for two were all goiing two diie back there.


hatessocks March 1 2011, 03:08:06 UTC
It's still better to do so then alter the course one's life is supposed to take. Not in a religious sort of way, I assure you, but in the way that things are supposed to happen. Time is a very fickle thing and to change courses of a person's life on a whim -- like a murderer even -- is very disgusting to me.

People should live their lives without interference. This place is interfering and obviously should be punished because of it.


p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:22:07 UTC
ok, look, ii know how 2tupiid tiime 2hiit work2 ok? you cant me22 thiing2 up from how theyre 2uppo2ed two be or iit me22e2 up all the tiime liine2 and youre 2tuck in a doomed tiime liine and there2 no hope left for you or whatever.
that doe2nt mean iim ju2t goiing two be happy that 2he2 gone!


hatessocks March 1 2011, 03:36:39 UTC
Quite unproductive. You could be making more use of your time.


p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:37:50 UTC
wow, thank2 for remiindiing me about that, otherwii2e ii would have ju2t 2at around beiing a u2ele22 piiece of 2hiit all day.
oh, waiit, no that2 what ii alway2 do. 2o ii gue22 iit doe2nt really matter that much!


hatessocks March 1 2011, 03:39:32 UTC
How useless.


p2iioniichacker March 1 2011, 03:41:36 UTC
fuck off, a22hole!


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