May 08, 2004 21:52 haven't updated ina while..but I've been wicked busy..and like staying at school till like 9 cuz of volleyball and other's over soon tho..whoch is kinda good cuz that means school's almost over 2 =) I hated this year...
Anyway spirit week was good..we came in2 nd place..that's awesome cuz we need money...and this week was actually good cuz we got to dress up week will suck tho...I need summer..
Last night I saw Mean Girls..every1 was at the was funny haha I liked it =)
So today me Lauren and Kailey went shopping 4 Mother's day..woo we broke down..well not really the engine was smokigng so we had to pull over and soem scarrryy guy stopeed..but so did Lauren's neighbor and Kailey called Matt who followed us home incase the car blew up or I'm home waitin 4 Lauren 2 call me and pick me up ... but Kyle's dumb and waited till now to do his project so he can't come and Lauren work on spanish 2 guhh Mrs. James should dieee...anyway this weekend has been good cuz I didn't have anything planned and I could just do what I wanted to.
Soccer game 2morrow...hmmm..that's not a good thing really ..I don't like it that much ne more
Ooo Jenn's coming home 2day =)