Jan 01, 2005 22:12
as i sit here painting my nails, many thots of the past couple days cross my mind...
my friends are amazing, always there thru thick and thin...always lending a hand or a shoulder to cry on...i love you guys and you know who you all are
ells, you are an amazing little midget, my babygirl...keep your chin up babe...ur david is coming home so0n and things will be go0d...everything we've dealt with in the past 2 days will get better, it already is...i think...i hope...
brian is home and john will be home tomorro...ugh tomorro, i have to work adn do all my homework
new years was amazing...i my 1st kiss of 2005 was one of my best friends in the world...i pray to the goddess with all my heart that this year wil be better than the past two...2 years ago i lost my best friend to a suicide and it fucked me up for the 2 years after...god not a lot of everyone knos this...i became extrememly depressed and self destructive...that lasted almost 2 years now that i lo0k back and count the endless days that turned to months and years...i am no longer self destructive...the depression has calmed a lot and i still have my moments but the amazing friends i have fix that...
for once i think i am GENUINELY happie...there were days that i thot i would never smile again...i thot there could be no happie ever again for me...but spring break of 04 changed that...and hten summer even more...and with this new year rolling around...finding someone who reeli cares about me...having friends who would give me their lives its amazing...im happie...sure my parents still suck and my brother needs to be hit in the face with a ping pong paddle...but im HAPPIE and isnt that all that reeli matters??
so yes, its been a long hard road, but i've made it to the end...only to find that there are many paths i can take from here...one road i lo0k down leaves me happie and surrounded by people i love...and i know im heading down that one...i know this sounds all deep and lame, but hey, its a go0d metaphor right? -=-wink-=- giggle...
i love my friends..you all know who you are...
a couple quick notes to some people...
lizzie i love you more than i can say...you are not LIKE my sister, you ARE my sister...you have been there for me thru everything...and i owe so much to you...i love you so much
ellie hunnie you have become my best girlfriend...you always have a great [altho short] shoulder to cry on and you always know what to say to make me smile...you are truly amazing and so much stronger than you think...i know you are, i've seen it in you...you HAVE it babe...im so glad that you are happie finally after so much hurt...you deserve it...
TJ keep ur head up my love...always here for you and u know that...never gonna leave my pet mohawk!