
Mar 27, 2008 14:57

I spend way too much time on the internets. I found a mablib site. My madlibs, let me show you them:

1: Lawliet and Laighto
by William Shakespeare

Enter Lawliet

Laighto appears above at a window

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the bed, and Laighto is the koi fish.
Arise, red koi fish, and suck the rough handcuffs.
See, how he leans his hand upon his cock! (OMGWTF?!)
O, that I were a glove upon that cock, (Kinky)
That I might touch that hand!

O Lawliet, Lawliet! wherefore art thou Lawliet?
What's in a name? That which we call a mouth
By any other name would smell as hurts
Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "The gales remained thereafter, only ceasing... and dying leaves to the shore"
And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove squishy. (haha, squishy)

Swain, by yonder rough handcuffs I swear
That tips in your bed the good pillow--

O, swear not by the handcuffs, the big handcuffs,
That disirably changes in its hard orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise hard. (HAHA!!)
Sweet, green night! A thousand times green night!
Parting is such sticky sorrow, (Thats what she said)
That I shall say green night till it be morrow.

Exit above

Sleep dwell upon thy hand, peace in thy cock! (XDD)
Would I were sleep and peace, so harshly to rest!
quickly will I to my red mouth's cell,
Its help to suck, and my hurts mouth to tell. (o.o lolwhut?)

2: The Panda Prince

Lawliet was walking through a hard meadow, laughing at the butterflies flitting around his head when he spied a sweaty little panda lying under a tree.

Lawliet skipped over to see the dear thing and was round to find that he was hurt! A vibrator had pierced his sick little hand and he whimpered huskily with the pain.

"My gooie little friend," Lawliet said. "Let me help you!" He took out his Leatherman Multi-Purpose tool and pulled out the viborator, as harshly as he could. (ouch L!) The panda cried out and Lawliet's heart ached, like a rainbow that casts a happy glow o'er all the land. "You'll be all right," Lawliet whispered. "I'll take care of you. I'll call you Light and you can live with me forever!"

Scooping Light up in his arms, Lawliet carried him home and made a bed for him beside his own. For seven days and seven nights, Lawliet nursed Light, cleaning his hand and feeding him Bed-brand panda chow.

On the eighth night, Light climbed into bed with Lawliet. He burrowed under the covers and sickly penatrated Lawliet's cock. (YOUR DOING IT WRONG) It made Lawliet giggle and he cuddled close to Light, stroking his mouth and singing metaphoricaly to him.

They continued that way for a long time. Every day, Lawliet hurried home so he could curl up with Light. It gave him an icky feeling whenever Light penatrated his cock. (Told ya you where doing it wrong)

Then one night, Light looked up at Lawliet and said, "If you kiss me, I will become a peaceful prince."

Lawliet screamed lustly, he was so surprised. How could a panda talk? He must have dropped off and dreamed it.

"You're not dreaming," Light said. "Kiss me."

"Don't tell anyone I screamed like that," Lawliet said and kissed Light on his mouth. The air swirled and suddenly, there stood a peaceful prince! With a crown and everything!

"I'm Prince Light," he said. "I was cursed. It's a long story."

"Is it really you?" Lawliet said.

"See?" Light said and showed Lawliet the scar from the vibrator on his hand. Then he kissed Lawliet and they tumbled in your bed and did a lot of very sticky things, some of them involving a big condom.(;D)

"I love you," Light said when they were done. Lawliet clasped him close and they lived together happily ever after on all the prince treasure Light had stashed away.

And if Light didn't know about Lawliet's visits to the panda sanctuary, well, it wouldn't hurt him.

3:Icky Lang Syne

Lawliet sipped huskily at his drink and stood icky behind a bed. He wasn't sure why he had come to this New Year's Eve party in the first place. He was no good at parties anyhow. They always made him feel gooie and he ended up like he was now, hiding and hoping nobody noticed how hard his cock got when he was nervous. (orly L? Thats nice to know)

Well, truth be told, Lawliet knew very well why he was at the party: to see Light.

Ah, Light. Just the thought of him, the chance of a glimpse of his big mouth made Lawliet's heart beat like a rainbow that casts a happy glow o'er all the land.

But tonight everyone was masked. Lawliet peered harshly through the crowd, trying to guess which guest was Light. There, he thought, the man over by the condam, the sweaty one with the panda mask. It had to be Light. No one else could look so sick, even in a panda mask.

He began to walk Lawliet's way and Lawliet started to panic. What if he actually talked to Lawliet?

Light came right up to Lawliet and Lawliet thought that he was going to faint.

"Hello," Light said lustly. "What are you doing over here all alone?"

"Oh, just looking at the vibrator," Lawliet said and immediately wanted to die because that sounded so peaceful.

Just then, a round voice began to count down. "Ten ... nine ... eight ... seven ..."

Lawliet's heart leapt. If they were together at midnight, that meant that Light might ...

"Happy New Year!"

Light swept Lawliet into his arms, bent him in your bed, and kissed Lawliet sickly, slipping him the tongue and groping his hand. (Mhmm. His "hand")

Lawliet could hardly believe it. How wonderful! And now that it was after midnight, it was time to take their masks off. He reached out metaphoricaly and pulled Light's mask off his face. It was Light! "I knew it was you," Lawliet said and took his own mask off.

"And it's ... you," Light said. "You know, I'm just going to go get some punch."

Lawliet watched him go. He would be right back, Lawliet was sure. Just as soon as he had his punch.

And then they would fall in love. (And they lived haply eva afta)

4:The Hard Terror Of The Snow

It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Light and Lawliet went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Light hit Lawliet in his cock with a big round iceball. It hurt a lot, but Light kissed it metaphoricaly and then it was all better. (Light is mean)

Then they decided to make a snow man.

"We'll make a really sick snow man!" Light said.

"Why don't we make a snow woman instead?" Lawliet said. "That would be more gooie and politically correct."

"I know," Light said. "We can make a snow panda. That way, we don't have to worry about gender politics."

So they rolled the snow up lustly and made an icky snow panda. Light put on a condom for the mouth. The panda was almost as big as Lawliet. (A condom?)

"It looks sweaty," Light said huskily. "But it seems like it's missing something."

"Here," Lawliet said and held up a big vibrator. "I found this in your bed." He put the viborator onto the panda's head. (Of corse it would be in Lights bed)

It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the panda, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl like a rainbow that casts a happy glow o'er all the land.

Lawliet screamed sickly and ran but the snow panda chased him until he tripped over a tree root. Then the snow panda penatrated him harshly. (PandaXL)

"Nobody does that to my little Peaceful Bed," Light screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow panda through the hand. It fell down and Light kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.

"You saved me!" Lawliet said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.

The vibrator lay in the yard until a sticky child picked it up and took it home. (XDD POOR KIDS!!)5: The Adventure Of The Koi Fish

Beyond and Lawliet were out for a hard Valentine's walk in the bed. As they went, Lawliet rested his hand on Beyond's mouth. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so rapeable, Beyond was filled with round dread.

"Do you suppose it's big here?" he asked fucktasticaly.

"You juicy silly," Lawliet said, tickling Beyond with his internet. "It's completely bitchin." (lolwut?)

Just then, a sticky koi fish leapt out from behind a condom and fucked Lawliet in the ass. "Aaargh!" Lawliet screamed. (CANON)

Things looked slippery. But Beyond, although he was sexy, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a vibrator and, Like a fish thats ready to implod in a gooey mess of feathery ow, beat the koi fish loveingly until it ran off. "That will teach you to fuck innocent people." (... that makes sence D:)

Then he clasped Lawliet close. Lawliet was bleeding huskily. "My darling," Beyond said, and pressed his lips to Lawliet's cock. (too awsome for words)

"I love you," Lawliet said lustfuly, and expired in Beyond's arms.

Beyond never loved again.

6:The Battle For The Vibrator

In the bed, Beyond fucked his vibrator. He had been busy with the vibrator for hours and now wanted nothing more than a hard cuddle or a sticky massage from his lover Lawliet. (This story make too much sence)

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his big Lawliet appeared at the door, grinning harshly.

"Put down the vibrator," Lawliet said fucktasticaly. "Unless you want me to fuck that vibrator on your cock." (plz do!)

Beyond put down the vibrator. He was bitchin. He had never seen Lawliet so juicy before and it made him round.

Lawliet picked up the vibrator, then withdrew a condom from his ass. "Don't be so bitchin," Lawliet said with a juicy grimace. "A koi fish bit my mouth this morning, and everything became sexy. Now with this vibrator and this condom I can fucktasticaly rule the world!" (... Laighto much, eh?)

Beyond clutched his slippery mouth lustfuly. This was his lover, his big Lawliet, now staring at him with a juicy ass.

"Fight it!" Beyond shouted. "The koi fish just wants the vibrator for his own big devices! He doesn't love you, not the hard way I do!"

Beyond could see Lawliet trembling lustfuly. Beyond reached out his cock and touched Lawliet's ass fucktasticaly. He was big, so big, but he knew only his slippery love for Lawliet would break the koi fish's spell. (Big)

Sure enough, Lawliet dropped the vibrator with a thunk. "Oh, Beyond," he squealed. "I'm so hard, can you ever forgive me?" (Note to self: Use line when I want to be forgiven)

But Beyond had already moved in the bed. Like a fish thats ready to implod in a gooey mess of feathery ow, he pressed his cock into Lawliet's ass. And as they fell together in a sexy fit of love, the vibrator lay on the floor, round and forgotten. (TOO.MUCH.SENCE!)

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