Dec 21, 2003 18:55
So no, I didn`t drop off the face of the earth... I am alive! :O
Yeh, I havn`t updated in a long time. Sorry. Nothing really exciting has been going on. I`ve just been working, shoping for peoples christmas presants, and hanging out with my Daniel :)
Yesterday was good. I went over to Dans house. And we had a looonnngggggg talk. I got some stuff out thats been bothering me for a while, things went better than I expected. I worked from 5-close. ::shudders:: Even tho I wasn`t supposed to go in till 6. Stupid people. Then went with Daniel to see Jay and Jamie at their little Xmas party, I got my presant from them ^.^ and then I went back to Daniels Moms house till almost 3 watched a little bit of Pirats of the Carabiean *spelling? I don`t feel like spell checking. I`m in a hurry* Came home. Went to sleeepppp.
Today was fun. I went shoping with Alex for my family/friends christmas presants. Finished everyone except David, I have to find him a beanie. And in a few minutes I`ll be leaving to pick up Alex and Brian to go meet Daniel up at the Diner for a little while so he can meet Brian. Whew. Then who knows what I`ll be doing.
TOMORROW URBAN OUT FITTERS!!! HELL YES!!! I`m gonna spend so much money there ;x It`s gonna be bad. I`m already too low in my bank accout..I think I`m going to go take out 100$ because I still have to buy Alex her presant. And I think I should reward myself for being so good and finishing my shopping so quickly. Ahahaha. God I`m so bad.
I did a free write the other night, I`ll prolly post it later tonight when I`m home and I have some time to type it out. So till then.
Later Gators! <3
Do you remember when Ska was cool?? .......Sorry I don`t.