[Spoiler (click to open)] Michael Eastman’s photographic career spans five decades, beginning after the artist read The Daybooks of Edward Weston and practiced Ansel Adams’ zone system in his early 20s. Fascinated with the power of color to express and transform emotional states, his work from the 1970s began to focus on the power of color, surface, and patina to tell narratives; these themes are the bedrock of his rich body of architectural photographs. “For me, it is not enough to photograph beautiful architecture without a narrative element,” the artist has said. “Generally, interiors fascinate me most. Like book covers that never really tell you much about what’s inside, it is the same with architecture. The façade can be quite deceptive, in fact. It is the interior of a place, the art on the walls, the condition of the surfaces, the objects, the color, the personal mementos that all begin to tell a story about who lives there.”