Ever wondered what was going through Jack’s mind between Kraken Island and Shipwreck Cove? Not so much a missing scene as a commentary.
If you’ve seen AWE, you’ll soon pick up the story. But if you want Nuts 1-5, click
here. Pairing: reminiscences of Jack/Barbossa, Jack/Sao Feng, Jack/Lian, Jack/Park, Jack/Beckett, Jack/assorted Navy
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His good eye goes misty at the thought. “There’s even cheese. An’ plum duff.”
Because one of the things about being a zombie for ten years is that afterwards you have this special fetish for appreciation of your dinner. Barbossa can't be the only one.
This is my hands-down favorite moment, out of a story composed of excellent moments:
“Reckon we should give the next’un to Sammy there, Pint, or leastways keep ’im away from Rex. Rex guzzled almost that whole marine an’ Sammy’s only ’ad an arm or two at most.”
“That is Sammy, ya great pillock. Rex is over there to the lee of Spot.”
“Nah! The one to the lee of Spot ain’t Rex. Rex is more bluish. That’d be Daisy.”
“You can’t name a shark Daisy!”
“Why not? Some of ’em has to be girls or how’d they, you know… procreate?”
Did you write this deliberately as fanservice to make me happy? Common sense says you probably didn't, but that's exactly how it feels. Thank you for giving my boys some good stage time.
And as for how the sharks would procreate... shark mpreg, obviously. No, I didn't say that.
Actually I quite liked the portrait of Beckett by N. C. Wyeth. It makes Beckett look ten times more dignified than he ever is in real life, though. Jack, what were you thinking all those years ago?!
I'm glad you write nice long fics. More, um, bang for our nonexistent buck.
Did you write this deliberately as fanservice to make me happy?
Kind of!
I wrote it because the first draft ended with Jack's return to the Pearl and it really wasn't enough. And I needed someone for Jack to talk to about those ridiculous piles of bodies they leave lying around the ship. Who better than your favourite boys?
Once I decided to put Rags and Pint in, of course I thought of you straight away! One of your selves was beta-reading over my shoulder as I wrote that bit. You are the queen of Rags'n'Pint. It means a lot to me that you liked it.
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