Ever wondered what was going through Jack’s mind between Kraken Island and Shipwreck Cove? Not so much a missing scene as a commentary.
If you’ve seen AWE, you’ll soon pick up the story. But if you want Nuts 1-5, click
here. Pairing: reminiscences of Jack/Barbossa, Jack/Sao Feng, Jack/Lian, Jack/Park, Jack/Beckett, Jack/assorted Navy
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My personal take on Jack is that he's always been contradictory and fragmented and held internal conversations - even arguments - with himself. Which is pretty close to hearing voices. I think what the Locker did was give those fragmented selves real substance, making him outnumbered and overwhelmed. They faded into the background after the up-is-down thing, but they pop up again if he's stressed, scared, or in danger of being sent back to the Locker. (That's why they turn up in the brig of the Dutchman.) He can never quite believe nobody else sees them. But he's adaptible - he'll get used to them and find ways to make them useful.
I don't know why when I'm happy to accept all kinds of other weirdness but it really bothered me that those bodies were still lying around, attracting gulls, messing up the deck, and presumably stinking when it'd be so simple to sling them over the side.
As for Jack, Sao and Beckett, that userpic is a screencap, not a manip. Surely, someone must have run with it before, but if they have, I've not seen it.
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