Friday: dinner and drinks with
beddove, later to be joined by the inimitable
beatnikside and
bohunk (and the friend who's name I've forgotten again, dammit) at the People's Pub. I deemed it to be Chemistry Set night at the People's, which called for drink experiments (i.e. Grasshoppers, Redheaded Sluts, and chilled Tuaca). Shit dog, I'm a whiskey drinker , so don't talk to me about pansy cocktails.
Saturday: Swung by Hazelwood and chatted with Drew, Keith, and Cody for a bit. Wended my way down the Ave (Ballard Ave, that is) to Hattie's, where I got into a conversation with a random guy about language families and German grammar. Later Dan Cowan insisted I see Freakwater at the Tractor, and who was I to say no? Got in for free, and got a free beer out of it. Can't say that I actually cared for Freakwater that much, but I also wasn't much in the mood for that high lonesome sound. The band itself was quite good.
Sunday: overslept, and then worked for 10 hours.