It would seem that I have no capacity for snark. I can't stand to read the comments on articles on Slog, or Line Out, or the P-I's site, or on
seattle even.
What I hate is a) people making inflammatory comments anonymously, and b) people, who's positions I might actually support, making their point in such a ham-fisted way as to alienate anyone they might persuade, including me.
If you post something inflammatory or accusatory, I think you should have the cajones to sign your name (or in these cases, add a valid email address) to it. Take ownership of your statements. Do not be a little bitch who flings poo and then hides. And please do not allow conversations to immediately dissolve into "You suck! you suck!"
If I was one of those people who got off on debating, playing the devil's advocate, or was a political gadfly, maybe I'd feel different. I can't say for sure, because I am none of these things. Maybe someone can enlighten me on the appeal of this.
OK, I'm going to go look at
baaaaabyanimals now.