skyelee It's been a while since I've drawn something since school is keeping me pretty busy HUGE apologies to those I own commarts to T_T. So! Random drive-by of love for some of my BBs! Thanks always for your support and friendship! loveyoumuchly! /sap XD
For mermer XD I don't know what inspired this...just started drawing Heero and I suddenly wanted him wearing Duo's clothes 8D *chu!*
For Saron~ Ummmm...really random?XD
For Puppy! with your random pounciness and your porc-bday gifts and ari+deus shorts...chuuuuuuuuuu~ (no this is not your xmas present! :D)
Title: When Itachi met Haku (read: promptly did away with Zabusa as it is a waste of beauty and talent for haku to be with him) XD
For Tara!
ooo bb so sorry this is such a sucky sketch! ;o; I will make you a better one. thank you so much for the jaeporc fics. This is not even nearly enough to show my love for you. ^_~
Lately, leader-sshi's doing that thing with his's kind of cute. XD
EDIT: Because of this post [ ]
Saron + Wine-puddle!Evilpuppy XD
chu lovelies!
thanks for viewing!