Mar 31, 2004 19:27
yea so....last night, didnt do anything till like 8:00 with kara, we went to Mark and Kara Present: Best Buy! we always go there. i bought the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (special edition) and i got the original for FREE! i was very exited. i also got the new Soulfly cd, entitled Prophecy, its exellent, blending many a beats and styles of music. its very good. then we went to burger king, where everyone either looked or was retarted, and by retarted i mean mentaly challenged, and by mentally challenged i mean retarted. today wanst anything special, exept that i slept untill 7:00..from 3:00...jesus thats a long time, i think i have a problem. I am always sleeping...o well though, it means i wont be in bed till like 1:30 so, there we have it folks.
Yankees lost yesterday, but killed today. they played the mofo devil rays in tokyo. this is their year, Yankees will rule all!
*cut your throat and keep walking*