Mar 23, 2004 15:13
happy birthday, you know who you are....hope ya think of me.
well today sucked, as usual. every time i wake up, i think: hah, very funny god. hes mocking me i know it.
well saturday night we went to club lost....missed charles' band, but the ride home was so much better..i felt like "the gay friend" but whatever, i had alotta fun with 4 women. goodnoes and such...then gellies car breaks down out sidde of my for her, but i was already home :)
sunday night, didnt sleep....monday sucked.tommorrow will suck with PSSA's and such...
well, iv had it. i repel women. im done TRYING. if it comes to me fine, if not, it sucks....i need to just say fuck it, and not care anymore. but its very hard when EVERYONE is with somebody. being single gets old real fuckin fast...
*cut your throat and keep walking*