Jun 09, 2004 18:26
You guys Guess what? Last day of school tommrow It sucks today was my last day talking to courtney across the room in french and making faces and flicking eachother off lol and Tommrow will be Mine Arris' and Xaiver's last day of science together Im gonna miss that class we always had fun. Also Underoath and Eighteen Visions tommrow @ La Factoria or The Factory,It's gonna Rock BALLS and balls rock pretty hard ask anybody who has them CoughcourtneyCough lol j/p you know I love ya. Well tommrow will be fun we get to be as stupid and as gay as we want and At the Facotry it will be our last time seeing eachother for all summer for most of us well for me at least. So I leave you with this. If you wanna be my lover you have to snort coke off my dick LMAO i cant wait til arris reads that one.