Jul 01, 2007 19:23
Ya know .. this life really is a strange mixture of chaos and calm. I told a friend earlier that you can't enjoy calm unless you have experienced chaos , or something like that. As the day wore on it seems like one doesnt exist without the other. I reread my post fromthe other day and was thinking how absolutely insane things are . If anyone was reading some of my posts , or read any part of my life in the last few years , they would swear it was fiction . But I assure you its not. Murphy seems to have taken resident in life and likes it there. This week has been both chaos and calm. Friday my car wouldnt start at work ,so I called the mechanic that fixed it last time , they sent a tow truck and towed my wheels away. Breathing deep I thought , ok , cant be that bad and I need wheels .. 45 minutes later ..the CALL ... Well seems theres a few things wrong .. one thing needs fixed or it wont start at all , and the second thing needs fixed because its hanging on by a prayer and when it goes the whole car is shit. Ok I say whats the damage ??$1371 WHHHHHATTT!!! I almost dropped onthe spot! Deep breath..ok I dont have that I said , how much for justthe first thing .. $325 ok do that Ill see what I can do by the time I get off , I just dont have the other .. So I have my check $250 but I have 4 prescriptions that I have to have .. so that puts me at $175 ..Felicia lends me the rest .. She takes me to getthe car , I walk in and pay the fee ,and I tell them I will have to make some calls , I just dont have that kind of money . Ok they say just call us , and please only drive it when you NEED to . I go into the car am about to drive off and the tow truck driver calls for me to come back in ... I go in , and they say ok we have discussed this between us , and this is what we are going to do for you . ... $387 my heart swelled . THANK YOU! Not that I have that either but just knowing that people do care enough to help .. They are only charging for what it is costing them to do it. The part alone is $225 and then the fluids ectra ... No labor , no upcharge .. I could have cried on the spot . Thannk you thank you . So I left , and now to find the rest . Saturday my phone died , after 3 years the cell finally needed laid to rest, fortunately I had Felicias old phone and just had to change over the sims card and pay the fee to do that, but a bump nonetheless. This morning(Sunday) Felici goes to do laundry andddddd the washer died.. ok after 11 years I think maybe it had a right , I dont know arent they like turtles and live a hundred years or so????Murphy ... (shaking my head )I truley hate having to ask for help . But I have also learned through all of this , I can not simply cannot do this alone. Noone can whether they are fighting my fight or other tribulations. We need one another.so ....I called a friend to see if he could help me , he has offered in the past , but I know that situations happen and you cant. I havent heard from him yet , I do understand though. On the other hand a dear dear dear friend of mine once again extended her help. I really am a blessed woman . CHaos and calm.. My life is chaos , but the people around me are the calm. I appreciate so very deeply the people in my life. Sometimes in the chaos I cant see , but when the world stops spinning and I dont feel / or want to sink below the earth . I can feel the arms of the people who do love me enough to put their world in my chaos.For now .. I have a phone again , My transportation will be taken care of , the laundromat is up the street, and I am a very blessed woman .
I dont want my life to do over ... if I ever had a choice .. Do I wish for less trials .. yes in all the lives I love yes yes ..But for what I have , who I have in my life , and the power to at least today fight this chaos .. I love the calm.