Jun 04, 2011 01:07
when you're about to leave somewhere again. in spite of the fact that i whined about being bored, time accelerates at the end like it always does. that didn't come out as nicely as i'd hoped.
anyway, time to start scrambling! what to do, what to do...how many things can i get done before i leave? what should i try to clean? should i finish sewing that thing? should i just go to sleep so i can get up at a reasonable time tomorrow? what does it matter, if i'm going to be spending my time doing the same things no matter the time of day? or maybe i should just go to sleep to escape the painful feeling of helplessness (which tends to pop up more late at night when i'm all alone).
today, i donated blood. good for me. i also bought earring-cleaning solution and tried to get my hands on a ps1 memory card so i can play ffvii in berkeley (the best game of all time. OF ALL TIME). which reminds me, i ought to look for one online since they probably haven't even been sold for almost 10 years (maybe i dunno).
oh wait, what about yesterday (thur jun 2)? well. i rode my bike to the bank and back, very impressive for me. deposited a bunch of coins that lola rolled up a long time ago, plus coins i had rolled up this week. it was a lot. unsure what i'll do with the money. my dad found $2 by ralph's (i found it, but thought he deserved it more and we were both standing there, so), lola called me and asked us to visit. visited lola, regular excitement there, doubled my shoe inventory (thanks armay!), starting to forget what happened after that...went to fresh and easy, played ffvii. many events to remember.
as usual, those of my local friends who get so annoyed that i don't tell them when i'm in town, then get excited when they find out, and demand we hang out are not really making any efforts to get hold of me last-minute before i leave. and i actually don't mind all that terribly. i feel like i have stuff to do. like maybe hang out with my very busy little brother. did that tonight, it was nice. i was sad when it was over. but people grow up and have their own shit to do, they can't stop their lives because someone who used to be around makes a guest appearance. life goes on. oh, life. oh, time.