Jul 10, 2005 18:52
WOW! I just got back from a very long overdue vacation! Went boating, gambling, and hiked in Yosemite and then got lost.
All started last weekend when Akita Inus came over to injoy a weekend off during the 4th of July. I been working on Wolfs boat getting all the billows replaces and finding other issues and dealing with them too. When all said and done, we took the craft, "Waterdog" out to Folsum lake for a little choppy fun! The lake was full and was a plesant treat because its been years it been that full. We stoped of a bridge and proceded to watch some kids jump from the road deck and the top girders of the bridge. Well Akita, Wolf, and Wlfspirit to jump in and they all scurryed up the thing and took different levels of being crazy. I didnt go because I had my fun as a kid and was content in watching them.
After that night we went home and relaxed till Thursday were me and Akita took off to Tahoe and did some gambleing. He won, I lost. Nughf said. Friday morning we took off to Yosemite and had a great time hiking the domes of easter part of the park. We found a camp site and I found that my little laser would make a bright green dot on top of a disant dome about 3 to 5 miles away at night! Cool!
Saturday, we hiked to Vernal falls and the Mist trail and got WET. Understatement! Very nice to be there again! I was there 20 years ago building trails. After , we headed to Glacier Point and got the best view of the hole park. Nothing like being 2000 feet abouve the trees and seeing nothing but rock and water falls!
That after noon, we headed out and home and that is were I decided to get lost but missing the 120 exit and head south insted of north. 1.5 hours later, We turned around and fixed the problem : ) Oh well!.
That was just a BREIF of what happened and of corce, a lot more thigns did go on in that time.
I am wanting to get out more!