The Resurrection....... Part 1 of Many..............

Dec 06, 2011 20:32

Project NINJA has been progressing slowly but steady. Right now I just finished rebuilding the brake master. I can buy a rebuilt one but they are "take Your Chance" for the simple fact that the company well only replace the parts that need to be replaced. OR, there are a LOT of after market ones for about $170 and up. Because of this project and it belonged to my stepdads dad and now me, I want to restore it like new or better.


This is what I had to work with. A master that was sitting in a car that was parked in a bush sense 1984. As you can see, a solid block of different oxides.

But after about a year of searching, I found a NEW master that been setting on a self sense 1973. It was a perfect match! Considering that this model master was only used for 5 months! I striped the unit and the cylinders walls were perfect ( wicth is a lucky break because condensations tends to sent in even after caoting the walls with oil. Its the biggest killer of all automotive parts! Down Time! NO GOOD!

So a rebuilding I went! New tanks, factory seals and replated parts I got this!

240z, pics

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