Feb 25, 2009 15:39
hey guys.
wow. it's been a hot minute, hasn't it?
so i'm going to try to summarize my life in the past year or so. jesus. is that how long i've been gone? crap.
okay, so. number one i guess. haha.
if you didn't know (the whole world knew, thank you fucking facebook.), me & anthony broke up. jesus. he's a whole other story, but i don't care to tell it since i don't even want to be reminded of the idiocracy.
whatever, man!
so i had a great, great summer! i worked at lameo marriage bureau for the last time ever (phew! even though they always want me back since i'm cheap labor haha). but that isn't why my summer was great, obv. i had a nice long weekend getaway with my cousin, marissa. (she recently came back from school in hawaii & im so happy! we've gotten totally close & we are like bffss) we spent a long weekend up in bahston. (& new hampshire for several hours to see the bsb in concert! don't hate!) we went to quincy market & salem & just had lots of fun. i have thousands of pictures to account for it. i plan to get started on my scrapbook (i promise!), even though i've been saying it for months now.
so. i'm going to be turning 21 on april 17th in the most amazing place in the world with my amazing marissa - VEGAS! woooo! marissa bought me the airplane tickets for xmas. it was amazing! we'll be gone from april 15th - april 21st. we planned out a lot of what we're going to be doing. (because i have major organizing disorders!) mystery adventures (we'll be assistant detectives, trying to piece together a mystery. LOL!), spa @ mirage, tea @ the bellagio, tony & tina's @ planet hollywood, & more! haha. we're staying at planet hollywood for the first couple of nights & then at MGM for the rest of the week. yeeeee. i'm so excited! we also picked out where we're going to be partying for my birthday (both friday at 12am, when it's official & then again that night lmao). hm. more on vegas when time gets closer (even though it's in a month & 18 days - yes, i started a countdown ever since i found out about it in dec! haha)
school haha. oh boy. im still at hunter, & am on track to my expected grad date in may 2010. i changed my major from psych to psych&anthro, to just anthro. i'm minoring in archaeology. i'm not too sure what field of anthro i want to go in, so i've been testing out a bunch of things. i scored an internship at the museum of natural history last semester through the anthropology department. i was with collections management - which meant me (& two other awesome girls, emily & hannah) had to vacuum artifacts like potsherds, bowls, etc & data base them. not too fun. i definitely don't want to be doing that for the rest of my life haha. i will be going to virginia to go on a dig this summer for a month or two. i was supposed to go to iceland (or italy!) but everyone is low on funding, so it's all a no-go. lame. at least virginia will be a lott cheaper ($300 for room&board for a month!). i'm also going to be helping out a professor this semester in her primatology nutrition lab, which is part of the biological anthropology field, so we'll test that out. if all else fails, i'll go into forensics, which i wanted to do from the beginning really anyway. & it doesn't hurt that if i go into forensics, i'll be going to hawaii to work on my masters! =) other possible grad schools include: NC, IL, AZ! all i know is that i want to get the fuck out of new york city, fo reals.
oh! as for school, i'm also in a philanthropic sorority. we kick ass! i've been lucky to be introduced to many outstanding women at hunter. yay zeta phi alpha! btw. we are totally on hunter's wikipedia page lol! woooooo!
i also have a great new job. my friend, angie, helped me get it. her boss was looking for someone to pick up his son at school, bring him home, & do homework with him. it's been a blast, actually. bradley is a 10 year old, who is super duper polite & nice to work with. it's a nice job to have during school since i go to school in the morning & then just go pick up b about 5 blocks away when class lets out. the nice monies i receive for my services is also a perk too. yay to no taxes!
i also went to work for emily (from amnh) at pbs for 2 days while she went home to DC. not fun at all. i had to transcribe interviews about certain tribes & whatnot. it was ridiculous how unorganized they were - none of the programs worked & shit. they paid me by page & i somehow ended up doing $100 worth of work. needless to say, if they ever need me to go back, my answer will be a definite NO. jeez.
hmmm. what else?
OH. i got some new piercings & tats. they're hot! =) i'm currently at 3 tats & 11 piercings! wooooo! ;)
hahahaha. i also had a stalker last semester at school, which was NOT cute. actually, it was pretty funny now that i think about it. i nicknamed him creepo lmfao & honestly, i don't even remember his real name since i never refer to him by it. hahahaha, whatever, i'm a bitch. but seriously, if he was cute, i wouldn't mind. he was a smelly plaque cake fugly. he must have lied about taking his showers & brushing his teeth or something hahaha. sooo gross!!
anywho. i've been going to some shows! yayy for being a cultured new yorker! as far as plays, i've recently seen wicked (ah-mazing!) & equus, with a nakie harry potter. equus was quite odd, but interesting. plus, it didn't hurt to see daniel radcliffe running around naked hahahaha. as far as concerts, i've seen AAR! yeeee. i love tyson. me & mariss actually got to meet them after the show too, which was damn awesome. tyson winked at me & mike said that my shirt was his favorite. le yum. mike kennerty makes me swoon & i want to marry him. but then again, i want to marry everyone hahaha.
wow. okay. anything else? maybe. but i can't think right now, so that's all for now! updates will be coming more frequently, as i want to get back into writing. =)
maybe i'll make my lj friends only, but who knows. ehhh. haha.
anyway. that's all for now, folks!