Sep 05, 2005 13:23
I'm such a money spending whore, it's ridiculous. So I went to Blue Meannie yesterday and saw a sweet-ass HIM vinyl set. Well naturally I had to buy it. It was expensive and no, I didn't really need it. Being the hardcore fan that I am, I had to have it. It came in a really nice box and had the vinyl for the Wicked Game single, Greatest Lovesongs 666, Razorblade Romance, Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights, and Love Metal. Now I just need a damn record player, hehe. I think I have one at my Grandma's still. I used to play my Feivel Goes West record on it and it scared me everytime I put the needle on it cuz it would make such a loud, unpleasant noise. :-) But yea.. then I spent the night in the emergency room and another $30 on prescriptioins. Rad.