(no subject)

Jul 12, 2008 13:45

So our baseball game was a success! WE WON. WOO!
26-18... i got a line drive right in my leg which has resulted to me wearing a bandage, so fierce.

after the game i came home, freshened up, and went to sneaks to meet up with fort awesome folk/big pat danielle and peeps. hailey called me and told me she was coming, then brent terrence and fenn came as well. we all got shittered. apparently josh and i were " close " all night, and some people picked up on it. carly apparently got heavy on him when they got home.. because apparently she noticed it too. but all we were doing was talking. i don't get it. even josh said it was retarded.

anyway..2am rolled up and we met up with tyler ( someone hailey and i had met at the boat 2 weeks ago ) and he told us to go with him to this after hours chinese restaurant that sells " cold tea " ( BEER. ;) ) we all went, got shitty off that and i rolled home around 4 in the am. terrence caught a cab from my place.

tuesday i met hailey downtown, we shopped then went to java for drinks. steven and collin met up with us, then ryan.. then some other people. we drank and then peaced to sneaks and did the best shots of life..SKITTLE SHOTS. i almost shat they were so good.

wednesday was wonderland! nadine and i picked up josh, carly and suzanne and peaced to the land of awesome at around 11am. we stayed till like 8 pm.. it was a fun day. fucking hot though. BEHEMOTH WAS INTENSE. i almost felt like i was gonna die. josh was my partner for that ride and i'm pretty sure i made him bleed by how hard i clenched onto him. our picture on that ride was priceless.. i looked like flesh and black hair.

thursday was the boys show at the bovine. i got there and ryan piers and phil told me to come into piers' van to drink this shitty wine that was in a plastic bottle they got from the wine rack, SO BAD, but so good. we sat there for a bit, then i went inside to say hi to people. josh is leaving in 8 days.. and watching him play for what might be the last time for A WHILE hit me. i'm going to miss him extremely. there are visits of course, but thunder bay is a ways away.. and i'm not ready for him to leave toronto.

yesterdayyy ( friday ) i hung out with danny. my newest interest. i've been seeing him for a couple weeks now.. but i didn;t know what to make of it my last post so i didn't even mention him. he's amazing. such a nice guy, and he makes me laugh. i haven't told people much about him because i don't want to jinx it. josh was all nosey and interested when i somewhat mentioned him.. monday night at sneaks he was drilling me on who he was etc. he even picked up my cell and PHONED danny to ask him what he was all about haha, i was so embarrassed. but things are going good, and i like the pace they are going at.

kiara's coming tonight, i'm not doing too much tonight. i was gonna go with people to dance cave .. but i want to relax. i'm taking her to the zoo tomorrow, and i'm so excited to see the gorilla's.

monday i have baseball.. 930 game at keele and wilson.
tuesday, wednesday, friday i work.
WAKESTOCK 08' is bomb! DILLINGER, dead and divine, farewell to freeway, and bury your dead. so stoked.
Warped is this saturday coming up aswell, excited for that

and that's that!
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