May 12, 2008 00:16
so our kitchen is going to be renovated..BY NEXT WEEK!
i'm so excited, we have our stainless steel fridge and stove.
my mom's good friend is coming to renovate it next week, it's what he does.
now it won't look like the set of The Saw.
this weekend was fun.
friday night my ashcash came, we drank some beers, then went and saw what happens in vegas. it was pretty funny. we went back to my house after, drank some more beers.. then stayed up till 4am giggling and being retarded (what we do best)
saturday around 7 i went to my friend chris's place, with his gf tasha.
there were about 5-6 other guys there, who were blatantly hitting on me, and it was funny but lame at the same time haha. i drank half a micky, and 7 beers.. then phoned jenn to meet up with her downtown. peeps walked me to the bus stop, and then i was on my way to bathurst station. i saw terrence when i got on at coxwell, and we talked it up a bit, then i got off at bathurst and met jenn infront of the brunny. we then proceeded to go to the green room to meet up with peeps who had already been there. i got free beer, so i wasn't complaining haha.. jenns boyfriend bought us beers. we then went and got shwarma's.. SO GOOD. sam bought mine and jenn's. i met these dudes outside, i gave them the tomato's out of mine.. because i didn't like them. then proceeded to get the guy i was attracted to's number...i'm a smooth operator ;)
everyone was going back to josh's, but it was out of my way, so i departed from my lovely's.. and walked to college and caught the streetcar. this black guy came upto me while i was waiting for the streetcar and told me his buddy thought i was "slammin" and wanted to know my name. i didn't know that sorta thing happened anymore, so i laughed and told him my name was bertha, and he bought it. i'm also a jackass operator ;)
woke up this morning, gave my mom flowers, the sappy hallmark card i bought, and scratch tickets ( since she's addicted to them ) for mothers day. she cried when she read my card. thefamily then all came over, we had a bomb dinner, and that was that!
mike's coming on wednesday, and i'm excited.
the show's wednesday, and i'm even more excited.
steven's moving in partay is this weekend, but so is this big aurora party with 7 kegs
what to do! haha