Aug 11, 2004 15:02
Wow so much has been going on this past week! I realize I haven't updated all summer, but that's because until now I haven't done anything really, just work and occasionally going out with friends. But starting last Thursday things have been extremely busy. Last Wednesday was my last day of work and then very early Thursday morning, my mom and I left for New York City. Our flight was at 6:55 in the morning and we were in the city with our bags stored by 11 after the wonderfully scary shuttle ride from the airport. More for me than anyone what is going to follow is a list of what we did each day so that I can remember.
-went and saw the lobby of the Chrysler Building
-had lunch in the dining concourse in Grand Central
-took the Radio City Music Hall tour (very interesting, would definitely recommend it to people)
-walked around Rockefeller Center
-went to Wonderful Town (very good but it is definitely a Donna Murphy show, don't think it will last long when she leaves)
-collapsed in our hotel room
-hopped on the downtown loop of the grayline double decker bus tours
-hopped off near the Brooklyn Bridge and walked the bridge (absolutely gorgeous views both ways)
-walked over to ground zero
-hopped back on the bus and took the rest of the downtown loop tour
-decided to check TKTS to see what there was, got tickets to 42nd Street
-went to 42nd Street (loved it)
-found dinner at McDonalds, took it back to the room
-walked up 5th Ave window shopping
-walked all the way over to 1st Ave and 62nd St to see where we were thinking of staying, very glad we chose The Roosevelt at 45th street and Madison Ave instead
-went to the Frick collection (beautiful house and artwork, but mean security people)
-wandered around Central Park, went to Bethesda Fountain, and Strawberry Fields
-hopped on the uptown loop and rode for the rest of that tour, dodging tree branches at we went by Central Park
-went by the Ed Sullivan Theatre and took pictures of the Hello Deli for siblings
-walked through the 10 block street fair on 7th Ave
-decided we could stand the cold and took the night loop on the double decker bus
-had dinner at a wonderful pizza place in Times Square
-went to the Hershey store and Toys R Us to get family gifts
-walked through another street fair, this time on Madison Ave
-walked over to the Plaza and continued up along Central Park
-went to the Central Park Zoo (very cool, especially the polar bears)
-continued the walk up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (focused on the American and European artists, especially Monet, my mom's and my favorite artist)
-walked through Central Park again to avoid counting street signs on the way back, saw the Alice in Wonderland statue, the remote controlled sail boats...
-decided to head over to Broadway to see the new Time Warner Buildings
-continued down Broadway back to Times Square
-ate dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp (they have the most wonderful ribs!)
-went to the Empire State Building
-walked over to Macy's to do some shopping before we had to catch our shuttle to the airport
-ran into Grand Central to get my sister a piece of cheesecake from Junior's
-got our shuttle and headed off to the airport
We got into Tampa about 10:00, said hi to everyone and then went to bed. Then yesterday was the day to move into my apartment. My appointment was at 3:30 so my mom and I headed off to Orlando with what I had packed about 1:00. We took the new car thinking it would be the most reliable but boy were we wrong. We were at the Hillsborough, Polk county line and we feel the car shift really hard, then the car starts decelerating. I pull off onto the shoulder and try to accelerate a little and the car won't shift into second gear. I crawl to the next exit which thankfully was not too far away. We call the AAA and they say they will tow it back to the dealer in Clearwater, but now I have no way if getting to Orlando to pay my rent that is due and I am most definitely going to miss my 3:30 appointment. Thankfully Krystan had a later check-in appointment so I called her and being the wonderful person she is, she agreed to pick me up. So after a wonderful hour sitting in the Wendy's we were on our way to Orlando. We got there a few minutes late for her appointment because of traffic but we both eventually got checked in and into out apartment. Because I didn't have any of my stuff with me, I helped Krystan and Joe move their stuff in. Eventually my parents and brother and sister came with most of my stuff and to come get me because I had nothing to stay the night. Because they had to drive over, I was nominated to drive back home. We didn't get home until about 1:00 in the morning and we all went straight to bed. And that has been my very fast paced week, today is the first day I've had to just relax in awhile and I really should be finishing up my packing and whatnot...