I'm having very mixed feelings...

Aug 24, 2003 01:49

I just moved in to UCF yesterday and got to meet my roommate Nicole (sorry Ashley it doesn't go with your theory). But anyways she seemed nice when I met her, not very talkitive when it was jst the two of us, very self-assured when our parents were in the room, but nice over all. But today things started out alright then took a turn for the worse ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

emaliajinx August 24 2003, 08:18:53 UTC
your roommate seems a bit oversensitive. what were you guys talking about? Blowing the building up? massive orgies with farm animals? i mean, come on. just getting up and leaving without a word....a liiiiiittle weird to me.

i think once classes start everyone will meet a whole new load of people and everyone will have a blast. so no worries mate. ;-)


p00hbear1121 August 24 2003, 09:43:59 UTC
Yeah, she came back this morning and said that she didn't leave because of us, she just wanted to see her family. She said that the whole moving 2 and half hours away just hit her last night and she didn't want to break down in the room. So we'll see how this goes....


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