This past weekend we had a family reunion of sorts. My uncle from Nova Scotia and his family has been down visiting my family for the past two weeks. They came down to look for a place beause they're thinking of moving here for half the year and then spending the rest of the time in China. So last Sunday as a Memorial Day thing, my aunt and uncle from Sarasota, my other uncle and his wife, and my grandpa all came over. I managed to get the day off and also drove home to see everyone. So in all we had all of my mom's siblings there who hadn't been together in at least 10 years and half of the cousins in the family. My mom was really happy that I could come home because I hadn't seen my aunt or my uncle from Nova Scotia since the summer before junior year and I hadn't seen my cousin since I was around 8. Their daughter couldn't make it because she's still teaching in South Korea. It was fun to see them again, my cousin while still quiet has grown up a ton, no longer the goofy looking kid I remember being so much older than me (he's 24). We just had the usual barbecue, hot dogs and hamburgers and that kind of stuff. After lunch we had to do the madatory family pictures because my uncle just bought a new digital camera and wanted updated pictures of everyone. So we got the whole family, the grandchildren with my grandpa, my aunt and uncles and my mom with my grandpa, and then each family invdividually. Overall it was a great day worth all the driving I had to do.
Other than that, I haven't been up to much, just class and work. This class seems pretty cool so far. It's electrical networks and it's about how to build circuits. The professor is a good one, always making sure everyone in the class understand what he's talking about before moving on the to the next subject. Work is also good. Everyone is really nice and it's just a nice break most of the time because cashiering doesn't take much brain power.
Well that's been about it, nevermind the months I didn't update. I can't wait til tonight, Rachel comes back!!! It's been almost two weeks, I'm going through Rachel withdrawl!
This is my Aunt Carol, Uncle Michael, Grandpa, mom, crazy Uncle Alan
This is Marc (Michael's son), Kristin (Carol's daughter), Grandpa, my sister Sarah, my brother Brian, and me.